WASHINGTON – On Jan. 16, 2025, the Army published a directive establishing the Command Assessment Program – an initiative that has informed how the Army selects the most qualified and ready leaders – as an enduring Army program. Army Directive 2024-14 prescribes oversight and management of CAP and the command/key billet selection board processes. It directs the creation of an associated organizational structure, programmatic resource requirements, and updates for governing authorities to sustain CAP.
The Army has directed a review to better understand how to retain the best talent while maintaining objectivity within the centralized selection process. The review will examine demographic trends across pre- and post-CAP periods, policy and program changes, and their impacts on officer retention. Today, the U.S. Army's Human Resources Command will release this year's selection rates and weighting criteria for the Principal and Alternate Centralized Selection List for increased transparency.
Following the directed centralized selection process review, the Army will publish selection rates and weighting criteria for the order of merit list and other pertinent data annually, or more frequently, as required to reinforce the integrity and transparency of our centralized selection board process. As we face an increasingly complex and unpredictable global security environment, it is more important than ever that we select and develop the most qualified Soldiers to lead our formations.
The new directive can be found at: https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/ARN42823-ARMY_DIR_2024-14-000-WEB-1.pdf.
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